Well, everyone else has gone to the countryside, after all.
Taeko-chan, aren't you going anywhere?
I'm going!
Atami? What are you going to Atami for?
To go bathing!
Well, it's good timing. I'll be going, too--my relative's place, next
So maybe no one will come to exercises for a while.
Hello, Okajima residence.
Ah, Nanako `ne-san? It's me, Taeko.
I'm leaving today, and was wondering if Mitsuo `ni-san had anything
for me to tell his family at the farm.
Hmm...doesn't seem like he had anything special to say...
...oh yeah, would you buy some cookies or something for Naoko-chan?
Say it's from Mitsuo Oji-chan and me, and I'll pay you back later.
That's fine...I'll say hello for you. How's Mother?
She went out today.
She was angry, though--after all, you did turn down her Ohmiai [ ]
meeting, didn't you?
Considering that you're 27, you're not going to get any better choices
for a husband.
That's all Mother ever talks about.
But you should think about it, you know. You're not so young anymore.
Is that so?
Yes, it is--you can't be a cute little girl forever.
You can be so impulsive--you actually pitched in with the farming last
year, didn't you?
Yeah, harvesting rice! And this year, I'm going to pick benibana [ ].
That's right! Because of your husband's family in the country, I can
have a hometown. I might as well make the most of it!
Oh, cut that out.
You don't get a vacation like this often, so instead of staying at
such an old place, why not go to a nice rental cottage and have a
"delicious life"?