You had a headache from ``blow pictures'', right...right, Taeko?
Recite the drills from the beginning.
Recite the drills...? I'm in the fifth grade now, I know them.
If you know the drills, then why did you make those mistakes?
Because it's dividing fractions, you know that.
All you need to do is switch the numerator with the denominator, and
multiply the fractions. Didn't they teach you this in school?
So, then why all the mistakes?!
Yae-chan, could you try it step-by-step?
...how does ``dividing a fraction BY a fraction'' work, anyway?
Okay, dividing two-thirds of an apple by one fourth--that could mean
you divide two thirds of an apple among four people.
How many parts of the apple does a person get, right?
Huh....? Um...uh-huh.
So then, one, two, three, four, five, and six--so one sixth of an
apple for a single person.
...wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. That's MULTIPLYING fractions.
Huh...? How come? Does a number become smaller when you multiply it?!
Two thirds of an apple divided by a quarter means, uh...