It's true. We farmers should've been more picky, too.
We've always gone with the larger flow, and just followed the big
cities--we've lost our identities.
So we need to re-think what we consider ``real wealth'' and become
more fussy about traditional farming again!
...you caught me off-guard. I guess you meant ``organic farming'' by
that, right?
Actually, it's what my ``Sempai'' [older colleague] told me, but it's
the way I feel, too.
I think it's great you're keeping your memory of being picky about
dividing fractions as an important one.
Oh, no, I didn't mean it to sound like that.
Besides, now some people tell me I have an enviable job, but my job is
not the kind I could be absorbed in anyway, so...
I can't help but admire you being so absorbed in your own job,
Toshio-san--farming, that is.
So, you mean it's ironic, right?
Huh? No way! No, such people are difficult to find now, in fact.
Now farming's totally declining, as you know.
I wish that I could be completely absorbed by my job, and not worry
about outside problems. But this isn't the case, and I can't help but
think about all these things.
I suppose we farmers can't survive without encouragement and support
that comes from working with our fellows, for instance...