The ``country''.....
Oh, I'm sorry. I keep saying the ``country''.
No, it's an important point, y'know.
Uh-huh. You see, when people from big cities see the forests, the
woods, or the flowing water, they quickly accept such things as
However, except in the highest reaches of the mountains, all the sites
that are called the ``country'' are actually made by people.
Yes, farmers.
That forest too?
That wood, too?
This stream, too?
It's not only rice paddies or fields. Every place has its own
-say, from someone's great grandfather who had been planting or
cultivating, or had been gathering kindling or mushrooms, since long
Oh, I see.
While people've been either fighting with nature or gaining its
benefits, some good had come from what they did; the way the
countryside has come to look now, all of this.
Hasn't the appearance itself come without people's help?
Farmers couldn't live without getting continuous benefits from nature,
could they?
And that's why the farmers, for a long, long time, have also been
doing many things for nature themselves.
One might say this is the interdependence between nature and people.
Maybe this is what ``the country'' is.
I see. I think that's why it's nostalgic.