Out for Justice

Gino, I'm sorry what happened.
My sincere regrets.
Comes from my heart.

In front of a man's family.
It's inhuman.
Worse than that.

He's not with us.
You know we never let
nobody do anything like this.

If you or one of your people...
...catch this guy...
...he gets what,
seven or ten, maybe?

If we're lucky.
Gino, this man disgraced me. And you.
He spilled an innocent man's blood
in front of his family!

And on my sidewalk.
Gino, you know our ways.
He must be dealt with by us.
But I promise you...
...I will teach this man the price
of our blood.

...God forbid I find him before
you do...

...you know what I'll do.
Think about it.
All right, Gino?
