I heard what happened.
Hope you get the son of a bitch.
Me too. Six-pack of seltzer.
Six dead Washingtons, brother.
Never thought about it.
We're going to call him Corragio.
You see anything, you drop a dime.
How's your mother?
She's going straight now.
Thank God.
You want to fuck?
Did you hear what she said?
What'd she say, my man? What'd she say?
I'm at Sunset Park and 3rd.
Richie's clients are all down here.
Ain't it the truth.
I'm looking for two hotshots for backup!
Anybody got the balls?
Anybody got the balls?
How about you?
You got the fucking balls?
I got the balls.
Now you got the bread.
It's Gino!
Get in the fucking car!
Back up!
Get the fuck out of the way!