Hey, pumpkin-head.
You're gonna wish you never said that.
Oh, yeah?
So, what exactly happened?
I was using the fire hose.
Aha. And why were you doing this?
I told you, a fire had broken out
and I was trying to save the school.
Junior, what happened?
Your son saved the school. He put out a fire.
Did anyone ask him how it started? Because...
- I'm so sorry, that's very clumsy of me.
- That's OK.
If Junior seems a little troublesome lately,
I wouldn't worry about it.
He really hasn't made any friends here yet
so he's probably a little insecure.
Boy, you really know kids.
Junior and I were gonna get dinner later
and I thought maybe if you didn't have
any plans that you'd... care to join us.
No, I can't.
Oh, well...
Maybe you and I
could do something Friday night?
I'd like to, but no.
- Saturday?
- No, not any night.
- I've got a problem.
- Excuse me?
- I can't go out with anyone.
- What if we just had dinner...
Dad! Didn't you hear the lady?
She's got a problem.
- Quit buggin' her and let's get out of here.
- Well, I... We'd better go.
Anyway, it was nice talking to you,
Miss Young.