Clearance sale! Big clearance sale!
Well, well, well, what have we got here?
You girls selling your daddy's old clothes?
Look at this!
A silk shirt for a dime.
And a suit for a quarter?
I had one like this. I paid two grand for it.
Wait a minute. Wait a...
What the hell are you doing here?
They're selling you for a nickel?
You little crooks. Where'd you get this stuff?
We have wholesalers.
The hell you do. This is all mine.
No, it's not. Junior sold us
the whole package for ten dollars.
He did, did he? Well, we'll see about that.
Finally I get some room in here.
You little psycho.
This time you've gone too far.
- Shut your trap!
- You're an evil boy.
You've gotta learn to respect your elders.
If your old man won't teach you
some manners, by God, I will.
Oh, yeah? We'll see about that.
My ass!
Hey, buddy, you ready to go?
Sure, but where?
It's a surprise. I got a fun day planned.
All right, let's go!
Junior, have you seen your grandfather lately?
Last time I saw him, he was going out.
Little Ben!
Help, Little Ben! Help me!