In fact, I love you.
You're sweet, Buddy,
but you don't really love me. - I do!
Don't you like me just a little bit?
Sure I like you, Buddy.
But you're just a child.
I'm 13 and I have a natural curiosity.
It's nature, Rose.
Now what's wrong with nature?
Honey, what's the matter?
Just that...
...damnable reverse-insomnia.
You go back to sleep.
The Depression has got me.
Strong men weeping, children hungry.
What a life, what a world.
Buddy, quit it.
Am I hurting you?
No, you're not hurting me.
You just better quit it, that's all.
- Why, if I'm not hurting you?
You wouldn't understand.
I must be out of my mind.
This is definitely the most
fascinating experience of my life.
Oh, Lord.
Man rises like sparks in a fire.