Of course. And I am puzzled
by your delay in bringing her here.
Her illness was grossly neglected,
I don't understand why this occurred.
We didn't know she was so sick.
I think normal powers of observation
night have suggested it to you.
Rose hid it from us.
She's afraid of the hospital.
Afraid of the hospital?
Deathly afraid. Her people are poor
farmers, she doesn't know medicine.
That girl is a product
of the hookworm and pellagra belt?
Yes. She's from a poor dirt farm.
I find that unbelievable.
Aside from her illness at the moment,
she is very strong.
and a splendid specimen
of a young human female.
And a comely one.
She has the figure of a Venus do Milo.
She definitely got protein as a child.
Rose is an amazing girl.
We took her to our dentist.
She had perfect teeth. No cavities!
Just so.
You don't get perfect teeth
eating sorghum syrup and hoecake.
She had protein. Which also accounts
for her superb aeriferous endowment.
Her what?
Lung capacity, sir.
That's why I believe she will survive,
despite delay in medical treatment.
That's all I want to know.
Thank you for your discourse, Doctor.
Very interesting, I'm sure.
Now let's get out of here
before I get the epizootics myself.
Thank you, Doctor.
I beg you pardon..."Epi-zoo-tics"?
You mean "Epi-zo-o-tics"?
An animal epidemic?
No, I mean epi-zoo-tics.
Telling me about epizootics!
They oughtta hang that polecat!