Rambling Rose

Oh, I know. But I didn't really.
There was only one, but

he's out of town and didn't
leave me no forwarding address.

No forwarding address?
No forwarding address? Hold the phone.

In the shock of this,
I forgot something.

Rose will lie.
She's no more pregnant than I am.

I am, too!
You are not!
- Yes I am!

Tell us, Rose.
Why do you think you're pregnant?

I hadn't had my period in 3 months
and my stomach is getting big.

I don't believe it.
- It's so, Mr. Hillyer.

All right.
You've had your clothes off enough.
Pull up your dress
and let's take a look.

She can keep her panties on.
Pull up your dress, Rose.

You just won't believe me.
- Rose you don't have to.

I don't mind.
- Now you'll see she's lying.

I'd say about three months.
Are you satisfied?

What did you say she had?
- An ovarian cyst.

What is that?
- We thought she was pregnant.

I'm not surprised you thought that.
An ovarian cyst
can look very much like pregnancy.

But that's just wishful thinking.
She's lost her reproductive capacity.
She had gonorrhea at age 15,
and it was left untreated.

- Just so.

She also had tuberculosis.
The X-rays plainly show scarring.
