She has absolutely
no control over her sexual impulses.
Pray continue, Doctor.
As a rule, I don't
believe in radical hysterectomy.
The woman's hormonal system
can be profoundly disturbed.
She may become depressed,
and certain secondary sexual
characteristics can be affected.
Her breasts
may shrink and become flabby.
Facial hair may appear, along with
a certain coarsening of the features.
And of course, her sexual drive
would be greatly diminished.
For these reasons I am opposed
to removing the womb and other ovary.
As a rule. Do you follow me, sir?
I'm ahead of you.
I think we both know her.
Yes, we do.
I don't understand this bushy talk.
Mrs. Hillyer, this girl is sick,
in more ways than one.
She is an extreme psychoneurotic
with uncontrolled sexual impulses.
We can spare her the suffering
she causes herself...
...and others.
Therefore, I recommend,
as a theraputic measure,
removing her second ovary.
I feel
it is the medically proper decision.
And I suspect that your husband
agrees with me.
Reluctantly, I do. It would be
a kindness to her, and everyone else.
But the girl is oversexed.
And I say,
spay her.
Over my dead body!
Are you human beings?
Or some kind of male monsters?
Is there no limit to what you'll do to
keep your illusions about yourselves?