I was wrong, and you're right.
And you are wrong.
I'm sorry, darling. Please forgive me.
I was dead wrong.
I will not cry like a woman.
Now you get this straight.
I don't have very much money any more,
but I can raise quite a few
thousand dollars if I have to.
And if you hurt that girl,
I'll hire lawyers,
and sue you from here to kingdom come.
I'll ruin you.
Just so.
Actually, I won't operate.
I don't do major surgery.
Dr. Hardy will operate,
and of course, he shall be
guided by your wishes, dear lady.
Let him be guided not by my wishes,
nor by Rose's wishes,
thought I'm sure they are identical.
Let him be guided
by the wishes
of the creative power of life itself,
because that is
what has spoken through me here today.
I thought I'd seen it all, but this is
the biggest epizootic she's ever had.
How is she?
- She's fine. Rose is fine.