We had to eat them all our ownselves.
It took four years to eat them all.
The doctor said you got protein.
He was right.
Later on,
after Momma and Lunette died,
all Daddy was doing was killing
himself and chasing after me,
It would have beed good
to have had some rabbit stew.
That was when I run off to Birmingham.
That daddy of yours
must have been pretty awful.
Yeah, I guess he was.
How old were you when you ran away?
- Fourteen.
Fourteen? How did you live?
I looked a lot older,
so I worked as a waitress.
Your daddy killed himself?
He fell in the river drunk.
What was your momma like?
A saint. Just like your own.
What did she die of?
Same thing as Lunette, typhoid and TB.
Was Lunette like you?
- No, she was a lot nicer than me.
was the sweetest girl who ever lived.
Mother says it's a miracle
you are like you are. - Like I am?
That your bad environment
didn't drag you down.
life ain't a picnic for nobody.
Don't you guess them millionaires
up there have troubles, too?
500 rabbits...
- Yeah.