Regarding Henry

Hi, darling.
Hi, darling.
Mrs. Turner,
your-your husband's
incredibly lucky.

The bullet wound to the head
caused minimal damage.

See, it... it hit
the right frontal lobe.

That's the only part
of the brain

that has redundant systems.
I mean, if you're going
to get shot in the head,

that's... that's
the way to do it.

But... I, uh, I...
can't lie to you,
I wish I had all good news.
The other bullet... hit
the subclavian artery.

There was excessive
internal bleeding

and cardiac arrest.
Your husband suffered anoxia.
It's a lack of oxygen
to the brain.

And the anoxia caused
some damage.

What I'm getting at...
is that it's going
to be a long,

tough rehabilitation.
How long?
We'll know a lot more
in three months.

The brain is very mysterious.
Even though your husband
seems to have

the capacity to recover,
there's no telling

how well or how long
it might take.

In some ways,
he's starting
from scratch here.
