Come on, say "caviar. "
"Ca-vi-ar. "
What? Come on, man, say it.
R- Ritz.
You want some crackers?
You can have anything you want,
and you want some crackers.
Get this man some Ritz crackers!
The work they do at Lawrence
is just... inspiring.
Henry's doing wonderfully.
You wouldn't believe your eyes.
I knew he'd set records
for recovery.
you'd be very proud of him.
He's working hard.
Working hard... Henry?
I can't imagine.
Every day I'm there,
it just amazes me.
He's lucky to have you.
I second that.
Thank you.
I wanted to ask.
Now, don't take this
the wrong way, darling.
I wanted to make sure...
that things are under control.
That you're okay.
Well... considering,
I'm perfect.
I really do think
everything's going to be okay.
It may take some time
to get back to normal,
but... it's going to happen.
I mean, financially.
Gee, I hate to leave you
with the bill,
but you'd be paying anyway,
Got to get to court.
It was good to see you, Sarah.
Oh, thank you.
I know this is awkward.
There are some things
we just don't talk about,
but you and Henry are family,
you know that.
Are you all right?
Because, if you need help,
anything, I'm prepared to...
We're in wonderful shape.
No problems.
Really, thank you.
You're so sweet to offer.
I knew
I could count on Henry.
All right, my man.
You know what this is?
It's called a walker.
Yeah, but that's
a load of bullshit,
'cause you're doing
all the walking.
Now, let's see if we
can get you standing up, huh?
Scoot up for me a little bit.
Good, okay.