Yo, youu.
Yo... ooh...
- Yo. "You. You. "
- You. "
"Are you. "
"You, you. "
See, the letters make up words,
and the words make up sentences.
"Are you. "
This is a little one.
Mmm... mmm...
Mmm, wha, wha.
Mmm, why?
Mmmiii... my?
"My. My"?
"Are you my. "
"Are you my. "
Okay, one more.
This is the toughy.
Mmm, mmm,
moooat, moat...
"Th", remember, thhhhh.
Moooo, moooth,
moooth, moooth.
Er. Er...
Mooth er.
Ma, ma, ma, moth.
Moth er.
Mo, moth er.
- "Mother. "
- Ha!
You did it!
"Are you my mother?"
I... I can read!
Sarah, Rosella.
- I can read.
- He can read!
- I can read!
- He can read!
Ayy, ayy, jax.
A- Ajax!
This is Ajax.
Yes, it is!
I can read!
I can read!
What happened?
- She taught me how to read!
- I taught Dad to read!
This is Ajax!
That's great!
I can read!
That's right!
The door was unlocked.
I knocked, but...
I can read.
Hi, Henry.