It's mortal.
Leave me.
Give this ring
to my sister Marian...
and swearyou'll
protect her for me.
His wound
is by the heart.
We cannot save him.
Swear it, Robin.
I swear it.
They're coming.
Tell Marian I died
a free Englishman.
For England!
No, no!
Come, my friend.
Make his sacrifice
an act ofhonor.
Come now.
Why did you cut me
free, Christian?.
Whatever blood
is in yourveins...
no man deserves
to die in there.
Farewell, friend.
God speed yourway.
Ourway lies together
with the speed of Allah.
You have saved
my life, Christian.
I will staywith you
until I have saved yours.
Thanks, but I go
to England.
I relieveyou
ofyour obligation.
Only Allah can do that.
What ifl say no?.
You have no choice.
I am Azeem Edin
Bashir Al Bakir.
You may call me Azeem.
[Guards Shouting In Arabic]
Robin of Locksley.