Kill him!
It's time
to redeem that vow!
Unleash the hounds!
Get offyour damn knees!
Look out!
Now, sir...
ifyou'd be so kind
as to give meyour name...
before I run you through.
Guy ofGisborne,
the sheriff's cousin.
That little bastard
was poaching deer.
Poaching?. Is it not
a greater crime to starve a family?.
Go on, Locksley.
Go on.
I've seen enough blood spilt
to last two lifetimes.
Now get off my land.
And tell Nottingham
what happens to his scum...
when they
pick on small children.
You traveled 1 0,000 miles
to save my life...
then leave me
to be butchered?.
I fulfill myvows
when I choose.
Which does not
include prayer times...
or mealtimes or anytime
I'm outnumbered 6-to-1.
You whine like a mule.
You are still alive.
Have no fear.
Come down, boy.
Is it true, boy?.
Did you kill a deer?.
Hundreds ofthem.