Well, you know,
your ghost...
will only keep the sheriff's men
at bay so long.
They've worked so far.
You have a better idea?.
You can always fight back.
Ha ha ha ha.
I reckon I must have cracked
that noble head ofyours.
These are all good lads here.
They got hearts of oak,
but they're farmers.
It'd be lambs
to the slaughter.
They say the sheriff
was raised by a witch.
She knows
every man's thoughts.
You can see
right through her...
and she flies.
That's a load
of codswallop.
What does the rich son
of a devil worshiper care...
about outlaw peasants?.
My lord was a kind
and generous man!
Who among you dares
believe him capable--
Duncan. My fatherwas
no devil worshiper...
and I'll have words with any man
who says otherwise.
But he's right.
I was a rich man's son.
But when I killed
the sheriff's men...
I became an outlaw
You are nothing like us.
Well...that there's
Will Scarlett.
Don't take no note ofhim.
He's full of piss and wind.
Come on, lads, drink up.
Stop talking
so much bloody rubbish.
This here is the best
we simple men can expect.
Here we're safe.
we are kings.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
[Rooster Crows]
[Sheep Bleats]