My lady Marian.
Bywhat right do you
keep me prisoner?.
You misunderstand
my intentions.
You've been brought here
foryour own protection.
Protection from whom?.
From yourself.
It seems you've been
consorting with outlaws.
Where do you hear
such lies?.
Byyour own hand, my lady.
I'm sorry, my child.
I feared you were
being led astray.
It's over.
Today I return justice...
to this land.
I shall have to hang
the ringleaders, of course...
but I would like
to be generous...
and giveyou the lives...
ofthe woodsmen
and their families--
The children!
And, of course...
ofyour traitorous
Get in there!
as a wedding gift.
And just who am I
supposed to marry?.
Search your heart, my child.
Why not a union with
the House of Nottingham...
and heal the wounds
in our land?.
There's only one man...
who can heal the wounds
ofthis land--Robin Hood.