Sorry to keepyou
hanging about.
Would you prefer
pain or death?.
Torture him.
What aboutyou,
pain or death?.
Uh, pain!
Torture him.
You see, it makes
no difference.
Spare me!
Will you keep the noise
down, please?.
Now I have heard...
that Robin Hood
may still be alive.
Either tell me
where he may be hiding...
oryou'll all be hanged
and we'll catch him anyway...
and do the same thing
to him.
- I'd love to kill him foryou.
- Will, no!
So he is alive then.
I'm not really sure.
Then whywould I need you?.
Because ifhe is alive,
I can get close to him.
I'm one ofhis men.
He would never suspect me.
- He knows you always hated him, traitor!
- Shut up!
He's a trusting fool.
He'll believe me.
Ifhe doesn't, he'll kill me.
Then you've lost nothing.
Ifyou fail...