Showdown in Little Tokyo

What's this place?
Must be the Red Dragon Brewery.
Remember, the owner of the club
is also the owner of the brewery?

That arrogant, scumbag, motherfucker.
He put the iron claw right on the logo.

I have a feeling that explains the ice.
You may remember,
we discussed arresting this man legally.

I'm not going to shoot
until they shoot at us.

The problem of introducing a new product
to the marketplace is distribution.

That problem has been solved.
Red Dragon Beer will have
its own national network of trucks.

The world around us changes, gentlemen.
The Berlin Wall falls.
Russia's no longer a superpower.
America's corrupt
with greedy politicians and police.

The world looks to Japan
for economic leadership.

Enough bullshit! Talk price.
Yeah, price!
Twenty percent above wholesale.
It'll put us out of fucking business!
Not if we run it and distribute it to you.
You run the crank business?
No way! Go home, fucking slopehead!
Now you have one hand left
to wipe your ass with.

You want to keep it?
We have a deal?
