Well, I doubt he's missing. He's just not around.
Oh, yeah, well. I've been reading in the World Weekly News.
Just a while ago there was a guy out on the street.
He's found wandering around, didn't know who he was, where he came from.
He's perfectly healthy, but he's a complete amnesiac, you know.
A lot of people like that found, uh, just wandering around lately.
You know, no history, no nothing.
- It's weird, huh? - Yeah.
You know about the suppressed transmission, of course?
- Mm-mmm. - No? Oh, well.
This is the 20th anniversary of the moon walk, you know.
And way back when they're giving us that "One giant step for mankind" bit...
another astronaut's in the background yelling his fool head off...
saying, "Oh, my God. What's that over in the crater? What the hell is
Well, NASA cuts him off just like that.
But those of us with the right kind of radios, you know what I mean?
Yeah, we got enough of it. The gist of it was...
there's a giant spacecraft over in the other crater, looking at them.
That's right. Oh, it all begins to leak out then...
that the space program's just one giant big cover-up.
It's a covert operation between the United States government and the Soviet
It's been going on for over 30 years.
We've been on the moon since the '50s.
You wanna know how we got there, right?
I'll tell you.
Anti-grav drive. Anti-gravity technology.
We stole it from the Nazis after the end of World War II. It's perfectly obvious.
And you know, I was watching this Late, Late Show.
A lot of truth in the Late, Late Show. You know, they slip it through
there, they figure nobody's watching, but -
Anyway, there's this sci-fi movie called Alternative Three.
And, uh, it's about kidnapping people, using a little psycho-surgery on
and, uh, turn them into zombies.
And making them colonize the moon and Mars.
Funny, huh?
Except it's absolutely true, all of it.
We've been on Mars since '62.
It was May 22nd. That's a very important date for you to remember, pal.
- Yeah, that's my birthday. - Right. So, see...
the reason we're up there covertly is because of the greenhouse effect.
It all ties in. Yeah, greenhouse effect.
By the way, they discovered that in the '40s.
You can ask yourself what they've been doing sitting on their ass for 49 years,