I mean, to be conservative, the figure's more like 35%.
So Bush got 54% of 35%. What's that, 18%?
Maybe 18% of the people in this country support him.
That's nothing. That's nothing. That's not a mandate.
- The people in Nazi Germany had- - You guys done male bonding yet?
Nazi Germany in 1932, the Nazis had maybe 34-38%.
And somebody like Pinochet who's already out of there back in Chile...
that guy's got maybe 34-43% of the vote.
So 18% is nothing.
Itjust seems like one day it's gonna dawn on everybody...
that this large nonvoting majority has been winning every election...
for the past three decades.
And the people who win these elections are gonna be too ashamed...
or better yet, too afraid to even take power at all.
Oh, hey. Ow, man.
- Uh, Paul's moved, man. - Where did he go?
I don't know. It's like he split, man.
He's like - He disappeared. Nobody knows where he is.
But, uh, his room is, like, totally empty.
It's got everything moved out.
And on the floor there's these postcards just sitting there.
Sitting there right in the middle. It's really bizarre.
Why don't you come look? It's really weird.
So where you getting all these statistics from anyway?
Dallas Morning News, man. You ought to read it for a change.
See, he's gone. All his stuff's gone.
- Strange. - He's a strange guy.
- What do we have here? - Those are the cards he left.
There's writing on the back of them.
They're numbered. It's like a little story or something.
"Juan Apagato spends a lot of time wandering around town.
"He tried college for a while, but it consumed too much time.