You know, psychologically, helping everyone else out is easier.
It's an escape from working on yourself, from perfecting yourself.
Yeah, Mr. Perfect here.
You know, that's what I hate. When you start talking like this.
It's like you're just pulling these things from the shit you read.
You haven't thought it out for yourself, no bearing on the world around us...
and totally unoriginal.
Great. Personal attacks now, is that it? I thought we were beyond that.
It's like you just pasted together these bits and pieces...
from your authoritative sources.
I don't know. I'm beginning to suspect maybe there's nothing really in
Suspect, you're beginning to suspect.
Oh, that's rich. That's really rich.
So what? At least what is there is based on good sources.
At least I'm not chained to this slave morality that seems to rule your
Thank you very much. You know, everyone else just thinks you're an asshole.
- Great. - The more I get to know you...
I just feel sorry for you.
- I'm glad they think I'm an asshole. - I bet you are.
I don't think anyone who's ever done anything...
hasn't been considered an asshole by the general populace.
- I mean, look at Freud. - Yeah, let's look at Freud. Man.
- I mean, Bob Dylan. - Let's forget it. We're late.
- We've already missed it. - Oh, no. Come on. Come on.
We can make it. There's gonna be five minutes of trailers. It'll be no
We missed the beginning. Hang it up. I'm gonna go look at some books.
I just need to get away for a little bit. I need some quiet.
How about the next show, two hours from now.
I'll meet you there. You've been wanting to see it.
- Okay. Okay. - Okay?
I'll meet you there. See you.
Oh, I see you're reading Rush toJudgment.
- Oh, yeah. I guess I am. - Oh, that's an excellent book.
- Yeah? - Yeah. Hey.
We had a class a couple of years ago, remember?
No, what class?
It was an anthropology class in ethnographic film.