So, hi, my name's Ben... Woodward.
That was me the other day.
On the lawn.
I know.
You caught me by surprise up there.
So I gathered.
I didn't realize anybody had moved in.
If I'd known, I would've rehearsed a little.
You were pretty good.
Oh, yeah? You liked it?
It brought back a memory. My mom took me
to that show when I was a little girl.
I love that show.
I directed it last semester.
I teach drama at the college here.
So tell me somethin', huh?
What's your name? Where are you from?
- Lotta questions.
- It's only two.
I don't mean to seem rude, but it's late for me.
Maybe we could do this some other time.
I'm sorry,
but... I'm not free till tomorrow night.
I'm makin' pot roast for dinner.
It'd be great with apple pie.
I'm sure it would.
Look, don't say anything.
I'll set two places, eight o'clock.
If you don't show,
I'll be eatin' pot roast for a week.
It's no big deal, right?
- Good night.
- Good night.
Mr Burney? You have a call.
- I told you to hold my calls.
- I know. But she says she knew your wife.
Put her through.