Fire department.
I hope you like your roast well done.
Come on in.
- Is that apple?
- What else?
Can I get you something?
Eye drops? Gas mask?
- No, thanks.
- How about some more music?
- I liked what you had on.
- No, I mean classical. For during dinner.
Sure, I like classical. Anything but Berlioz.
Yeah. His Symphonie Fantastique
gives me the chills.
Oh, really? Thanks for the tip.
So I understand you're lookin' for a job.
- Where'd you hear that?
- Well...
Small towns are funny places.
Everybody knows everybody.
And I know a lot of people over at the college.
I could drop in a good word for you
if you like.
Why would you do that?
God! Such paranoia.
Where are you from? New York?
Listen, it's no problem.
With a few letters of recommendation...
I don't have letters of recommendation.
Come on! You got a driver's license, right?
I really don't wanna talk about this, OK?
- Gotcha.
- I'm not asking for anything, Ben.
Neither am I.
Jesus! That's a real...