the head writer on
The Sun Also Sets, Rose Schwartz.
Rosie, stand up, take a bow.
Thank you, everyone,
and have a terrific evening.
See you on the television!
I'm home!
Did you watch?
I won!
Yeah, well.
It's just as well you didn't come.
You'd have been bored senseless.
And the reception!
There were so many people.
I tried to get home
as soon as I could.
But you know me, I didn't want
to be rude to anybody.
First you have to say hi
to all the executives.
Then you have to say hi
to all the executives' wives.
Celeste, it's Adam.
I'm at the airport.
Good-bye, my darling.
It was beyond great, but I have
to go back to Sarah and the kids.
It's like a chemical thing.
Hey, putz, I'll be off
in a second!
I've left you the plants.
Please water them, and treat them
as lovingly as you treated me.
- You do want me, don't you, David?
- You know I do.
- Then get rid of her!
- You think that's easy?
- Give her Alzheimer's.
- Right. Rose is in the way.
- Fire Rose.
- Not with Celeste protecting her.
- God! Celeste, Celeste! Look...
- Grab those revisions.
I am 28 years old.
I need this to happen now!
I am not a new face anymore.
She won her eighth Schmenky.
Edmund's crazy about her.