-Celeste said to stay away from you.
-Really? Why?
She said you were dangerous.
Are you, Dr. Randall?
Only when I operate.
Good evening. I have an appointment
with Mr. Anderson.
- Now?
- No, not now.
Tomorrow, actually.
I was just in the neighborhood.
Thought I would double-check.
He's in 11 -A?
2-D. Of course.
I was confusing it with my shrink.
He's in 11 -A.
Another building, of course.
So, thanks a lot.
And see you tomorrow.
Probably in the morning.
Elevenish. You'll be here?
No, the day man will be on.
Of course. They can't work you
24 hours a day.
Thank you very much.
I'll take good care of it.
Listen, I have something
I have to say.
When I first asked you out...
I did it to make Celeste jealous.
I knew that.
You did?
But that's not the case anymore.
- I genuinely like you.
- Good.
- I really had fun hanging out.
- I like you a lot.
It was fun.
See you in surgery.