Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

i'm right here! He's at the forty!
He's at the twenty!

He looks. He rolls back.
He goes deep.

- Yeah!
- Donatello, stop!


- Yeah!
- Yeah!

So, any luck finding
a new place to live yet?

Well, you know, in this market
it's actually very difficult...

to find good
subterranean housing.

Hey, we could always go back
to the old sewer den.

- Well...
- Right, Raph. It's a little tough...

when about 500 members
of the Foot Clan...

- Know where you live.
- He's right.

We kicked their butts.
They're all in jail.

'Sides, we took out
the Shredder...

so what's everybody
so worried about?

He's right.
No. Splinter took out
the Shredder.

- They're both right.
- Yeah, yeah.

i was there, Leo.

Old Shred did a swan dive
with a half gainer...

right into the back
of a garbage truck!

Come away from there!
Geez, i was just...
Never forget
who you are.

You are ninja. You must always
practice the art of invisibility.

- All of you.
- Well, i don't get it.

i mean, why? We saved the city.
Why can't we just go out and...

Stand before me, my sons.
For 15 years,
you have been confined below.

Now the outside world
beckons your teenage minds...

but they could
never understand.

Their world
can never be ours.

Not even pizza?
Pizza's okay.
Man, you give a guy
a heart attack.
