Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

and now he doesn't
seem to be there.

i figured since you
order so much anyway...

that, you know, maybe you...
- Where'd these come from?
- Those...

are mine!
Yeah. I...
i like to do a little chucking
every now and then.

i'd keep practicing.

On second thought,
why don't i take this pizza anyway?

i can always use more.
Let me get my wallet.

No, that's okay.
- Yes, please.
- Don't worry about it.

One last thing, though.
You might want to know about this!

- You guys!
- What's the big idea?

Can i hurt him? Please!
Tell me i can hurt him!

- Please, please!
- Take it easy.

i think you'd better sit down.
And with an old
Renaissance art book...

i found in a storm drain...
i gave them all names.
i'm Leonardo.
i'm Michaelangelo.
i'm Rafael.
Yeah, all the good ones
end in "O."

- Michaelangelo!
- Yeah?

- Go!
- All right.

i can't believe
every time i...

- Two.
- Basically, what you're telling me...

is you guys were all slimed!
it wasn't slime. It was ooze.
And there's more of it out there.

- Where?
- We're not sure.

See, there's this sort of
clan of ninja thieves.
