Negative. The T-1000's highest
probability for success now...
will be to copy Sarah Connor and wait
for you to make contact with her.
Great. What happens to her?
Typically, the subject being copied
is terminated.
Shit! Why didn't you tell me?
We gotta go right now!
It's not a mission priority.
Fuck you!
She's a priority to me!
Goddamn it!
What's your problem? Help!
This does not help our mission.
Get this psycho off of me!
I'm being kidnapped!
Get this psycho off of me!
Let me go!
Why did you do that?
Because you told me to.
You have to do what I say?
That's one of my mission parameters.
Prove it.
Stand on one foot.
Cool. My own Terminator. Wow.
You okay, kid?
Take a hike, bozo.
Let's get outta here, man.
Fuck you, you little dipshit!
Put your leg down.
- Did you call moi a dipshit?
-Just trying to help this punk.
Grab this guy.
Get him off of me!
Now who's the dipshit...
you jock douche bag?
Put the gun down now!
- Get outta here!
- Come on. Let's split!
You were gonna kill that guy!
Of course. I'm a Terminator.