and a cool, jeweled moon.
Couples, naked,
race down by its quiet side.
And we laugh like soft, mad children...
smug in the woolly,
cotton brains of infancy.
Every time
l try to make love to you
you run around
with your mouth stuck out
Choose, they croon, the ancient ones.
The time has come again.
Choose now, they croon,
beneath the moon...
beside an ancient lake.
Enter again the sweet forest.
Enter the hot dream.
Come with us.
Everything is broken up...
and dances.
l can't believe it's so beautiful.
"Now l have come again to the land
of the fair, strong and the wise.
Brothers and sisters
o'er the pale forest.
O, children of night...
who among you will run with the hunt?
Now, night arrives with
her purple legion.
Retire now to your tents and dreams.
Tomorrow we enter
the town of my birth.
l want to be ready."
lt's beautiful.
- Do you like that?
- lt's beautiful.
l've never read much poetry before.
What's a shaman?
He's a medicine man...
of the lndians.
He gets into a peyote trance...
and he gets deeper and deeper,
and then he has a vision...
and the whole tribe is healed.
All cultures have a version of it.
Greeks had theater and gods.
The lndians say the first shaman
invented sex.
They called him
"The One Who Makes You Crazy."