- Andy Warhol, of course.
- Hi. Wow.
We really like your music.
- How you doin', Andy?
- Oh, great.
And there were so many people
at the show...
the paintings
were getting crushed...
and they had to
take them all down.
Really, they were kind of...
Just the walls.
You see, Andy was the art.
You should do a show
with just bare walls.
We'd really like to use you
in one of our movies, Jim.
You're really such a beauty.
Andy says someday everybody
will be famous for 15 days.
He'd really be great,
wouldn't he?
l mean...
lt's the singer,
not the song, right?
lt's the astronaut,
not the voyage.
Somebody gave me this telephone.
- l think it was Edie, wasn't it?
- Yeah, it was Edie.
And she said that...
l could talk to God with it...
but l don't have anything to say.
Here. This is for you.
Now you can talk to God.
Come here.