Keep the drink.
lt's only another 95,000...
lt's only another 95,000...
but l could get the best clothes
from lndia, from Morocco, Jim.
Clothes you couldn't get
anywhere else.
Then we could get the richest
people to come-- Miles Davis...
Sonny and Cher, the Stones.
lt could be the best boutique
on La Cienega, Jim.
Why don't we have a car?
- We lost it.
- Yeah, but...
where's the gravy train?
What's the matter with you?
What are you on?
You said you wouldn't
drink today.
No, Ma, l ain't drinkin'.
You promised you wouldn't drink anymore.
You're not gonna drink, are you?
No, Ma, l ain't.
And you're gonna change those stinky
leathers you've worn for three weeks.
l don't know about that.
What are you on?
lt's just some low-grade acid.
lt's not heavy.
Oh, Jim!
Oh, God! l cooked!
- l cooked the duck!
- lt's okay.
People are coming, you know.
Ray and Dorothy think
that we're flaky enough.
You said we'd wait until after,
and now you're gonna peak before me.
No, it's cool. We'll trip,
and then we'll eat our feast.
Yeah, sure. No!
You know, l think it's a good thing
about Ray and Dorothy.
l do.
Women are such noble creatures.
They carry on your name
with dignity after you die.
Are you saying you want to
marry me, Jim Morrison?
l think women have a comic
approach to life. How can they not?
They spend their lives
with that big dick seeking entry.
Come on, Mom.
l want to look inside,
like a spy.
l'm a spy