The Fisher King

...and shot a hole
through his head.

Representatives of radio personality
Jack Lucas expressed regret.

No formal comment has been made.
Neighbours said Malnick was
quiet and lived alone.

His neighbour for 11 years said,
"You scarcely knew he was there. "

But few will soon forget
this lonely man...

... who reached out to a world
he knew only through radio...

... looking for friendship
and finding only pain and tragedy.

Marc Saffron. Channel 7 News.
Garbage. People are garbage.
Go right ahead.
Right ahead.

Hey, Mr. Happiness.
Are you gonna do
a little work today or what?

What, out there?
They're not terrorists, Jack.
They're just ordinary people
like you and me.

Breakfast of champions, right?
That one.
It'll be funny, and then
the scary one will do.

That one. A scary one
and a funny one.

Excuse me.
Can you help me?

I've looked for an hour...
...and I'm losing my mind.
I'd like...
...a Katharine Hepburn-y, Cary Grant-y
kind of thing.

I can't take anything heavy.
Something zany.
I'm looking for something zany.

Or something modern, like
a Goldie Hawn-y, Chevy Chase-y thing.

You know, funny. I want to laugh.
I have to laugh tonight, really.
