Captain, I'd like to request that
it be me who's the attorney...
Captain, I'd like to request that
it be me who's the attorney...
That it be myself who's assigned...
No, that it be I who am assigned...
That it be, who am assigned?
That's confidence inspiring!
Good grammar, there!
- Lieutenant Commander Galloway.
- Captain West is expecting you.
Jo, come on in.
Lt. Commander Galloway.
You know Commander Lawrence?
- I appreciate you seeing me.
- Will you sit down? Have a seat!
- We've had some trouble in Cuba?
- Yes, sir. Last Friday.
Corporal Dawson and Private Downey
assaulted Private William Santiago.
Santiago died in hospital
an hour later.
Naval Intelligence Service says
the two men
wanted to stop Santiago naming
Dawson in a fenceline shooting.
- The hearing's at 1600 hours.
- What's the problem?
They're both model marines.
Santiago was a screw-up.
- It sounds like a Code Red.
- Christ!
I'd Iike to have them
assigned counsel.
Someone who has both the legal skill
and a familiarity with the military.