And an investigation might
embarrass the Security Council guy?
- Colonel Jessep...
- 12 years.
If they drop "conspiracy" and
"conduct unbecoming".
- You haven't done anything yet!
- Impressive, huh?
- You'll have to go deeper.
- Do you have jurisdiction here?
My job is to make sure
you do your job.
So my jurisdiction's in your face.
Read the Ietters.
Report when you return from Cuba.
- Dismissed!
- I always forget that part.
He's preoccupied.
He has a baseball game next week.
Tell him not to get cute.
Guantamo marines are fanatical.
- About what?
- About being marines.
"My name is PFC William Santiago
of Rifle Security Company
Windward, 2nd Platoon Bravo.
I am writing to inform you ofmy
problems here in Cuba.
I've fallen out of runs before,
because of dizziness or nausea.
On May 18th, I'd fallen back about
20 yards going down a rocky hill.
My sergeant pushed me down the hill,
then I saw all black and fell down.
The hospital said
it was heat exhaustion.
I ask your help.
I need a transfer out of RSC.
Sincerely, PFC William T. Santiago,
US Marines".
"PS: In exchange for my transfer,
I have information about
the shooting on August 2nd".
Who the fuck is
PFC William T. Santiago?
He's in 2nd Platoon Bravo, sir.