We went to the Aoademy together,
served in Vietnam together.
But I've been promoted with
more speed and success than you.
If that causes you tension or
embarrassment, I don't give a shit.
Our business is saving Iives,
Lieutenant Colonel Markinson.
Don't ever question my orders
in front of another officer.
All the paperwork's in order.
Step over there.
- Hal, is this Washington D.C.?
- All right, Iet's move.
I wanted to talk to you
about Dawson and Downey.
- Say again?
- Dawson and Downey.
- The names seem familiar, but...
- Your clients?
The Cuba thing! Oh yeah, right.
I've done something wrong again.
Why are they sitting in jail
while you're hitting a ball?
- We need to practice.
- That wasn't funny.
Would you be insulted
if I recommended another counsel?
- Why?
- I don't think you're up to it.
You don't even know me! It usually
takes people hours to find that out.