That was funny!
You're wrong. I do know you.
Daniel Alistair Kaffee,
born June 8th, 1964, in Boston.
Son of Lionel Kaffee, former
Attorney-General, died 1985.
You went to Harvard, then joined the
Navy, because your father wanted it.
You're just treading water here
until you get a real job.
But that's fine, I won't tell.
But if you handle this case in your
usual slick manner,
then something's gonna get missed.
I can't Iet Dawson and Downey
sit in jail,
because you chose
the path of Ieast resistance.
l"m sexually aroused, Commander!
I don't think it was murder.
There was no intent.
Santiago asphyxiated
from acute lactic acidosis.
It was suggestive of poison.
Whatever that means, it sounds bad.
When he died, the doctor
didn't know the reason.
- Two hours Iater, he said poison.
- Was it Prof. Plumb in the Iibrary?
I'll see your supervisor.
He's in the big white house
with the pillars.
I don't think you'll have much Iuok.
Division must think I'm good.
I appreciate your interest and
enthusiasm, but I can handle things.
Do you know what a Code Red is?