A Few Good Men

We should make sure somebody
gets this to his parents.

- Lt. Kendrick, may I call you Jon?
- No.

- Have I offended you?
- No, I Iike all you Navy boys.

When we have to fight,
you fellas always give us a ride.

Do you think he was murdered?
I believe in God and Jesus Christ,
so I'll say this:

Santiago's death is a tragedy.
But he died because he had no code,
and no honour. And God was watching.

- How do you feel about that theory?
- Sounds good.

Are you going to investigate,
or just take the guided tour?

I'm pacing myself.
They ran around
looking for something white to wave.

Some of them surrendered
to a crew from CNN.

Walk softly and carry an armoured
tank division, I always say.

That was delicious.
- I do have to ask some questions.
- Shoot!

An NlS agent told you that Santiago
knew about a fenceline shooting.
