Santiago was going to say who did it
in exchange for a transfer.
If you feel there are any details
I'm missing, tell me.
Thank you.
You called Colonel Markinson and
Lt. Kendrick into your office. And?
We agreed that for his own safety
he should be transferred.
Santiago was set to be transferred?
On the first flight to the States.
0600 next morning.
Five hours too late, it turned out.
All right, that's all.
Thanks very much for your time.
The corporal will drive you back.
- Wait, I've got some questions.
- No, you don't. No!
On the morning of the death,
did you meet Dr. Stone?
- Of course. One of my men was dead.
- You see? He was dead. Let's go.
- Have you ever heard of Code Red?
- I've heard the term, yes.
In February, you received a memo
from the Fleet Commander,
warning against enlisted men
disciplining their own?
Whoever wrote that memo has never
looked down a Cuban AK-47 rifle.
However, I gave it due attention.
What is your point, Jo?
She has no point,
it's part of her charm. Goodbye!
My point is that I think
Code Reds still go on. Do they?
- He doesn't need to answer that.
- Yes, he does.