A Few Good Men

- Permission to...
- Speak! Jesus!

What do we do then? After six months
we'll be dishonourably discharged.

- Probably.
- What do we do then, sir?

We joined the Marines because
we wanted to Iive by a certain code.

You're asking us to say we have no
honour, that we're not marines!

If what we did was wrong,
I'll accept my punishment.

But I believe I did my job. I will
not dishonour myself, my unit

or the Corps,
so that I can go home in six months.

I'd Iike to talk to Corporal Dawson
alone for a minute.

- We'd like to go to another room.
- Sit down.

You don't Iike me very much,
do you?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.
You know...
Downey worships you.

He'll do whatever you do.
Are you going to let this
happen to him because of a code?

Do you think we were right?
Do you?

I think you'd Iose.
You're such a coward.
I can't believe you're in uniform.
