All right, 2 outs, everybody.
Two away!
Better luck next time!
Knock it out of here! Okay, Dottie!
Batter up!
Right in here!
Bring them in there, Dottie!
Keep your eye on it, Dottie!
One hit and we win!
That"s it, Dottie! You did it!
That"s the ball game!
Hey, Kit! What are you swinging
those high ones for?
Good thing your sister bailed you out.
How about the two bucks you owe me
for this game?
Kit! Wait up, l"ll give you a ride!
Stop kicking the rocks.
l"m sorry.
-That game just made me so mad.
-We won. Get mad if we lose.
That last pitch was
right down the middle.
lf l"d have swung at that,
l"d be the hero.
-You got me so crazy--
-l only said lay off the high ones.
""Good thing your sister bailed you out.""
"" Kit, why don"t you get your sister
to teach you how to hit?""
""Why can"t you be beautiful
like your sister?""
What idiot said that?
No one.
-But that"s what they were thinking.
-No, it"s not!
You ever hear Dad
introduce us to people?