They"ll pay you $75 a week.
We only make $30 at the dairy.
Then this would be more,
wouldn"t it? lnterested?
Come on. $75 a week?
Pull her leg. Mine are long enough.
Look, your country needs you.
You can not only play ball,
but you"re kind of a dolly.
Oh, now l get it.
Listen, mister.
l"m a married woman.
My husband"s overseas.
Oh, relax!
l"m talking lookie, no touchie.
We want girls easy on the eye.
l"ll go. l"m ready now.
l gotta sign something?
l don"t want you! l want her!
The one who hit the ball!
You can climb back under the cow.
She"s good. She"s very good.
She pitches. She didn"t today,
because she did yesterday.
Thanks for that special glimpse
into her life.
l want you.
You l saw, you l like.
The train leaves for Chicago tomorrow.
What do you say?
Are you in?
No, thanks.
"" No, thanks""?
Hey, no skin off my Ashtabula.
lf you wanna pluck cows,
that"s your business.
You know something? You"re not nice.
That one hurt. So long, milkmaids.
No, wait!
Just watch me pitch. Dottie,
get your mitt! l"ll throw him a few.
Now look...
...l know the goods when l see
the goods, and she"s the goods.
l"m sorry.
Will you shut up?!
You"re a pitcher, huh?
l"ll tell you what.
lf she comes, you can come too.
lf you stink, it only costs us
the train ticket.
Get these wild animals away from me!
Haven"t you ever heard of a leash?