We"ll let you know.
Daddy, l"m sorry.
Let"s go. We"ll miss the train.
Let"s move, move, move!
What"s the matter?
l can"t use her.
She"s great. Why not?
What"s the problem?
You know General Omar Bradley?
There"s too strong a resemblance.
You ain"t taking her
because she ain"t pretty?
Well, look who just caught up!
All right. Come on, let"s go.
Pick those suitcases up! Come on!
l"m not kidding. Move!
-One foot in front of the other.
l know my girl ain"t so pretty
as these girls.
But that"s my fault.
l raised her like l would a boy.
l didn"t know any better.
She loves to play.
Don"t make my girl suffer
because l messed up raising her.
l wish you had a decent mitt.
l think maybe l"d better not go.
No, you can relace it.
lt"ll be okay.
l mean, who"s gonna
take care of you? Cook?
Help you take care of the equipment?
Don"t you worry about me.
You"ll play baseball.
l"m not gonna know anybody.
Nothing"s ever gonna happen here.
You gotta go where things happen.
l love you, Daddy.
Let"s go, let"s go.
Come on, honey.