- Knott.
- Yeah.
I'll cook lunch if you can get me
some wood for the fireplace.
No, Mother. All we need
is a bunch of smoke...
to let the Germans
know we're here.
Will, if we don't light a fire,
we're gonna freeze our butts off.
And it's very hard to kill Germans
with a frozen butt.
All right.
The smoke's bad,
but not as bad as I thought.
You're taking a little long putting
that back together, aren't you, Bud?
I'm not working
for speed right now.
This wine tastes
like sardines.
Well, here. The sardines
taste sort of like wine.
I sit here trying
to work out four bridge hands.
Miller invented the game, calling it
'compact, cardless, duplicate bridge."
When we lost half the squad,
we also lost our only deck of cards.
They were on Eddie.
He died in the fiield hospital.
With his left arm gone
and his face the way it was...