Great. Injury to insult.
- What happened, Bud?
- What happened?
Germans found us,
had a dead in their sights.
They could've killed all of us
and they just let us go.
- That's what happened.
- They had you and then they let you go?
What are you complaining about?
You should be happy.
We should be happy?
Oh, okay, Mundy, we're happy.
We're happy! Yippee!
You feel better now?
All right, Stan, come on.
- What the hell is that?
- That's just Mother.
Clumping around in the attic again.
It's fine.
- Did you find the stuff?
- They must've come back after we left.
There's all kind of tracks.
They took the scope and the map.
What did you do? Crawl around
on your hands and knees looking for it?
No. I could see right off
the stuff wasn't there.
I got wet working out a little
surprise for our Teutonic friends.
What, a trap?
I built a snowman.
Right where
we dropped our stuff.
I used pine needles
for a mustache.
And then a branch,
like an arm giving the Nazi salute.
I even put a few
pine branches over one eye.
- It's not a bad resemblance.
- Jesus, Stan.
They could've come up from behind, made
a few well placed critical comments...
and one more
ventilated whiz kid.
Even stamped out a message
in front of my snowman.