Schlaf gut, Kraut.
You got that map?
I'll be a son of a bitch.
I've been trying to figure out all
this crazy shit that's been going on...
for the past couple of days,
and only one answer makes sense.
Remember the frozen American
and the Kraut dancing together?
See, it's like a message.
They wanna get together.
- It's crude, but remember who they are.
- So?
So then they come around with that
schlaf gut bit the first night.
It's like they're saying
they know that we're here...
but they're not
so mad about it.
- Yeah.
- Well, listen.
Okay. Just try to think of one reason
they didn't mow us down...
or at least take us prisoner.
I think they're telling us
that they wanna talk...
maybe even surrender.
- What?
- If I'm right...
they want us to meet them
in this clearing at 1200 hours.
What if it's a trap?
If they wanted to kill us,
they could've done it a couple of times.